BFRB Support Groups

Compulsive Hair Pulling/Skin Picking Support Groups in NJ

North Jersey TTM Support Group

The North Jersey TTM Support Group for adults provides support, compassion and laughter (yes, laughter!) to those afflicted with hair pulling and skin picking.

We’ve been in existence for over 15 years and welcome new members with open arms. It meets once a month on Sunday mornings from 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM at a local diner in Fairfield, NJ. Join us and connect with others who really DO know how you feel. For further information, call or email Lisa or Tom.


Lisa -phone: (973) 263-4518 (home – you can leave a message)
Tom – cell phone: (908) 307-4586


The Center for Emotional Health

The Center for Emotional Health offers free support groups for children, adolescents, and adults living with body-focused repetitive behaviors and their support persons.  These therapist-facilitated groups are not therapy groups, but rather a venue to share experiences and connect with others affected by BFRBs. Meetings are held via secure video-conferencing. The groups are open to all, whether or not they receive clinical services from CEH. If interested, please contact 856-220-9672 with inquiries.


Mahwah BFRB Support Group

This is a support group for Morris/Bergen County located in Mahwah, NJ. Peer-facilitated support group open to teen (13 and up) and adult skin pickers and hair pullers. Family and friends are welcome. This group is meant to be a venue to share experiences and connect with others in a non-judgmental environment. Group will meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:30-9 p.m.


Kaitlin – Email: